Analysis, Trigonometric und Taylor Series, Orthogonal Functions, Transcendental Configurations, Probability Theory Approximation of e^z Approximation of e^z Approximation by a Taylor series Plaques for the approximation of functions Plaques for the approximation of functions Plaques for the approximation of functions Plaques for the approximation of functions Big folder with computations and drawings Big folder with computations and drawings Drawing to the approximation Drawing to the product presentation of sin x Real part of the Hankel function Imaginary part of the Hankel function Real part of the Bessel function 6 spheres with the + and - regions of the easiest spherical functions 6 spheres with the + and - regions of Lamé products Illustration of the limiting process Panels with curves and osculation parabolas Panels with curves and osculation parabolas Panels with curves and osculation parabolas Panels with curves and osculation parabolas Panels with curves and osculation parabolas Panels with curves and osculation parabolas Panels with curves and osculation parabolas Panels with curves and osculation parabolas Peano surface Beta functions and its logarithms, presented by E. Wicke The border exercise of infinitely long sides of E. Wicke. Galton board 2 Galton boards 2 Galton boards Galton board Paper model Slide: demonstration of a passage to the limit Slide: Osculation parabolas Slide: Osculation parabolas Slide: Osculation parabolas Slide: Osculation parabolas Slide: Osculation parabolas Slide: Osculation parabolas Slide: Interpolation parabolas Slide: Fourier series Slide: Fourier series Slide: Fourier series Slide: Fourier series Slide: Fourier series Slide: Fourier series Slide: Fourier series Slide: Fourier series Slide: Fourier series Slide: Fourier series Slide: Fourier series Slide: Fourier series Slide: Fourier series Slide: Fourier series Slide: Fourier series Slide: Fourier series Slide: Fourier series Slide: Fourier series Slide: Fourier series Slide: Fourier series Slide: Fourier series Slide: Fourier series Slide: Fourier series Slide: Fourier series Slide: Fourier series Slide: Fourier series Slide: Fourier series Slide: Fourier series Slide: Fourier series Slide: Fourier series Slide: Approximation by Legendre polynomials Slide: Approximation by Legendre polynomials Slide: Approximation by Legendre polynomials Slide: Approximation by Legendre polynomials Slide: Approximation by Legendre polynomials Slide: Approximation by Legendre polynomials Slide: Gibbs' phenomenon Slide: Bending circles and evolute of the ellipse Slide: Lissajous curves Slide: Kinematic generation of circle involutes Slide: Relief of a complex function Slide: Reciprocals of complex numbers Slide: Square roots of complex numbers Slide: Rectangular and polar co-ordinates Slide: Vector addition Slide: The functions x tg(x), tg(x)/x and sin(x)/x Slide: Plancks radiation function Slide: The gudermannian Slide: Exponential function, hyperbolic sine and cosine Slide: Sine, cosine and logarithmic integral Slide: Functions Slide: Factorial function Slide: Altitude chart of the relief of the reciprocal factorial function Slide: Relief of the factorial function Slide: Relief of the reciprocal factorial function Slide: Logarithm of the factorial function and its derivatives Slide: Gamma function Slide: Exponential function, hyperbolic tangent and error integral Slide: The derivatives of the error integral Slide: The functions of the parabolic cylinder Slide: Fresnels integrals Slide: Cornus spiral Slide: Fresnels integrals Slide: The after effect function on a logarithmic scale Slide: Curves P_v(x)=const Slide: Legendre functions of the 2. kind Slide: The associated normalized Legendre functions of the first kind Slide: The associated normalized Legendre functions of the first kind Slide: The associated normalized Legendre functions of the first kind Slide: The associated normalized Legendre functions of the first kind Slide: Legendres functions of the 1. kind Slide: Legendres functions of the 1. kind Slide: Derivatives of Legendres functions of the 1. kind Slide. Bessel function Slide: Bessel function against the plane p,x Slide: Bessel functions of larger order than one Slide: Neumann function Slide: Neumann function